Can Your Sales Team Benefit From Online Order Entry Software?

order_entry_softwareProviding sales reps with online order entry software that integrates with a back office accounting system can certainly make life easier for manufacturers, wholesalers, or distributors. First, we’ll take a look at what’s in it for the company, then we’ll see what’s in it for the reps.

Eliminate or reduce order entry at work

Stop hand entering orders! With a fully integrated system, a sales rep can enter an order online and it will be transferred directly into the back office accounting system. This type of automation can significantly reduce or eliminate the order entry workload at the office. Through back office integration, the wholesale ordering site can actually pick up any special pricing that might be assigned to a specific customer.

Inaccurate or incomplete orders can be reduced or eliminated

Since the order is entered directly by the sales rep, the responsibility for order accuracy also falls back on the sales rep. They can’t just say “give me six of the blue ones” anymore, assuming the office will know exactly which product or SKU they are referring to. Because the order is automatically transferred to the back office system with double data entry, order entry errors can be essentially eliminated.

Lost or delayed orders can be prevented

It may not happen very often, but an order can be lost or misplaced, causing a new set of problems. Faxes sometimes don’t come through, emails get deleted, and phone message get missed. Online order entry software makes sure that everyone who needs to know about a new order is notified.

Orders can be processed quickly and more efficiently

A good online ordering system can create orders in the back office system in near real time. The sooner the order is in the back office system, the sooner it can be processed in house or sent to a 3rd party warehouse for fulfillment. Online wholesale order entry software can also be integrated with 3rd party warehouse to streamline the process of sending shipping orders to the warehouse.

But what about your sales reps? What’s in it for them?

A sales rep can enter an order from anywhere using just about any device.  They don’t need to call the company or email a spreadsheet order form. They can be on-site at a customer’s location and submit the order on the spot and see that it has been received by the company. They also don’t have to wonder if you received the order. A good online system will show the rep the status of their orders as they travel through the fulfillment process.

Instant access to real-time stock levels

If sales reps need to see what’s available in inventory, a good online ordering system will keep them informed by synchronizing the order entry’s system with the back office system’s inventory. Often time, you might not be available to take a call or answer an email from a rep, especially after hours or when the rep is in the middle of a sales call.

Order history at their fingertips

Online order entry software can show the sales rep the order history for each of their assigned customers. This information can help the sales rep answer their customers’ account related questions and can also help with product recommendations and upsells.

They don’t have to ask you for updated product and price lists

If your products and pricing change frequently, an online ordering system can make it so that you don’t have to distribute updated price lists to your sales team anymore. Though back office integration, the online ordering system is always up to date. Learn why integrating QuickBook's custom pricing is necessary for an order entry system.

One last consideration… If your reps sell for multiple lines, you might be surprised to learn that they are already happily ordering online from the other lines and can’t wait for you to offer them this same convenience.

Help make your sales reps more efficient! Click on the link below to improve your order efficiency today! Share some of your own experiences with us below. We would love to hear how you have improved your sales team or any stories around how your sales team has dealt with some of the problems above. Just leave us a comment below!

Order Management System