As a sales rep nothing is more frustrating than working extremely hard but not having the necessary tools to do the job to your full potential. Likewise, the inverse is true; nothing is more satisfying than being equipped with tools that improve your efficiency and effectiveness. Sales rep software that enables reps to place orders, check inventory, track invoices, and view overall purchase history of each client not only improves productivity. . .it increases employee satisfaction.
Placing Orders on the Spot
The ability to place orders while in the middle of a sales meeting empowers a sales rep to close for business on the spot. Any delay from close to order entry gives a client time to doubt his or her decision and change his or her mind. With an iPad in hand a rep can go through the complete sales cycle in a matter of minutes in one meeting rather than multiple meetings to get a hard close for an order. Not only that, but a rep could use the order entry process as a tool for several soft closes throughout a meeting and even attempt to cross sell through different product lines or increase penetration deeper and wider with more products in the same line. All of the aforementioned benefits are possible when a sales rep can complete the order entry process face to face with a client. Ultimately, shortening the sales cycle means increasing productivity.
Real-time Inventory
However, being able to enter orders during a client meeting doesn't do any good if the inventory isn't available to fulfill the order in a timely manner; hence, the ability for a rep to check inventory in real-time is essential. Not only does an unexpected back order potentially cost a sale but oftentimes it can even cost a relationship. All salespeople realize that it's easier to destroy a relationship than it is to build one. A relationship can take years to nurture and grow, but in one fell swoop that relationship could be permanently damaged and even lost forever if a sales person can't deliver on his or her promises. Giving your sales reps the technology to check inventory in real-time is one of the easiest ways to improve employee satisfaction within your sales force.
Improved Communication
Communication is the hallmark of every great relationship and the ability to communicate effectively with clients strengthens relationships; allowing salespeople to track their customers' invoices gives them the opportunity to keep in touch with clients regarding the status of their orders. Drop shipping orders to various locations gives sales reps the ability to customize solutions for clients with multiple locations and the ability to track invoices allows a rep to manage this complex process with ease. This is another simple strategy for improving productivity in a very short amount of time.
Customer Order History
In order to stay organized and make future purchases easier it is beneficial if a salesperson can view the purchase history for each of his or her clients. Being able to easily reorder popular items keeps clients happy; people like to do business with people they like and with people who make doing business with them easy. Eventually, if doing business with a rep is consistently an arduous task then the relationship could be strained and possibly lost. When you give reps the ability to view a client's entire purchase history it takes the guesswork out of completing a reorder. Once a client has found a favorite product then it's imperative to give your sales team the ability to keep that satisfied client happy by making it extremely easy to reorder that favorite product.
The best sales reps are good at what they do because they have an innate drive and discipline. Giving them the tools they need to do their job to their fullest potential is a great way to inspire them. With superior sales rep software your team's productivity and job satisfaction will begin the upward trend you've been looking to spark.